You've got three tracks to choose from (if you register you get 4 more tracks), 'Beginners Luck' is the easiest by far as it provides short cuts around some turns. You've also got an options menu for selecting such options as number of laps, weather (only available in registered version), oil & water (puts oil and water on the race track that you slip n' slide in), and gore (I'll explain this one in a minute). I set my varibles, choose my track and away I go! I've always found racing games fun so of course I'm having a pretty good time, well I'm losing so I decide to take a short cut through one of the corners :). Then some little guy in a wheel chair comes onto the track and I 'accidently' run him over. Of course he gets suck to my wheel and I spread some gore all over the track. This is definatley not what I expected from a racing game, it's alot better. You can run over a whole bunch of things and it never stops being funny.
Not the whole point of the game is to run over people, but it sure is entertaining. The graphics are pretty good, the overhead view of the track gives shows all the little cars that resemble HotWheels. Some of the background items move (like the meerry-go-round on the second track). Sounds are great as well, when you cut off another car he screams, and when you run over people they scream. The sign that displays the top three even changes according to position (Okay, it's not an amazing thing but it impressed me). I could go on discribing all the small things in this game that make it great, but I suggest that you try it for yourself. It's a fantastic racing game with a whole bunch of extra goodies.